*PREORDER* F*CK FAKE SH!T - 6" Vinyl Decal (White)

Image of *PREORDER* F*CK FAKE SH!T - 6" Vinyl Decal (White)


I am having another batch of these made up now. This limited pre-order will be the first to get shipped. Please allow up to 2 weeks for my sticker dude to get these out to me.

Support Legitimacy!!!

Rock one of our "F*CK FAKE SH!T" decals and help us shut down cheap thieving knock-offs of quality product.

These decals were inspired by Rota, and their unbridled disrespect for the legendary Hayashi Street wheel.

Help us save the automotive industry from the shit mess it is becoming.


$.50 shipping to the US.
$2.00 shipping to the world.